
I. The Reasons It Is Necessary to Meditate on the Nature of Mind….. 6
Homage to Vajradhara, the lord pervading all entities and nonentities. His nature is free from elaborations, and yet he displays all sorts of elaborations as rupakayas.
A. All Phenomena Are Taught to be Mind….. 6

Generally speaking, all phenomena contained within samsara and nirvana – all possible appearances – are our own mind.

What is it that appears as the things we perceive to be external objects, such as forms and sounds? Mind-itself, being itself unaware of its own abiding state, has appeared as self and other without beginning.

B. The Problems of Not Meditating on the Nature of Mind….. 9

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C. The Virtues of Such Meditation….. 11

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II. The Explanation of the Ways to Cultivate Samadhi….. 15
A. The Presentation That Summarizes the Exposition of the Common Samadhis….. 15
1. The Summary Identification of Samadhi and Dispelling of Doubts….. 15

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2. The Systematic Presentation of Shamatha and Vipashyana….. 17
a. The Common Exposition of Shamatha and Vipashyana….. 17

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b. The Ways to Cultivate Shamatha and Vipashyana Individually….. 47

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B. The Explanation That Elaborates upon the Way to Cultivate the Uncommon Mahamudra….. 113
1. The Particulars That Generate Confidence in the Beginning….. 113
a. The Explanation of the Greatness of the Dharma, What Is Practiced….. 113

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b. The Explanation of the Greatness of the Individuals, the Practitioners….. 143

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2. The Exposition of the Preliminaries for the Meditation Process….. 149
a. The Sequence of the Path of the General Teachings….. 149

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b. The Description of the Preliminaries for This System’s Path….. 151

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c. The Explanation of the Preliminaries in This Context….. 153

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3. The Actual Explanation of the Way to Cultivate Mahamudra….. 175
a. The Presentation of the Divisions of the Meditation Process….. 175

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b. The Explanation of the Meditation Process in This Context….. 179

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